Our first walk, I remember,
By the beach shore,
On an afternoon so fine,
Cocooned by the smell of warm saline...
Waves hit softly, breeze murmured,
The sea weeds danced to a song of love,
Lost in thoughts, solving our lives crosswords,
Totally oblivious of a sunny journey together.
Not a word we spoke,
Not a touch we felt,
Serenity engulfed both,
Making the moment just perfect...
I wish for us to be one...
During autumn, spring, winter or sun,
Writing our own story amidst storms or mist,
Dear, together lets make fresh footprints !
Psst psst... I am sorry.. I had promised to do this posting on Friday but err.. I was digging deep into my inbox for this image (sent by Ram.. blush blush.. almost a year and a half back!) that I had so preciously saved and couldn't find it and when I got it (of course Ram had to send it to me!! sigh!), I remembered I had left behind this poem at office (tishk! a knock on my head!)!! So here it is... Better late than never! God bless...